Let's Help the Hierarchy Clean the Waters

Much of the ongoing effort to help and save our civilization and humanity is taking place on non-human bands, as it is on non-human frequencies that "non-human" invaders can be repelled. This month, however, the Hierarchy is once again asking for human help to preserve and regenerate the nature of the Waters.

The non-human invaders are exerting strong mental pressure on the planetary mental plane to dominate their views so that more and more people accept their goals and viewpoints. This pressure spreads to the emotional plane (which is also water-analog). Non-humans on the emotional plane operate in a very simplistic way compared to us, with few and low intensity emotions, so they are almost completely unaffected by the overheating present here. However, real human beings find it very difficult to deal with this, they are constantly burdened by an emotional plane overloaded with negative emotions, which constantly carries the risk of physical illness, because unresolved problems on the emotional plane will sooner or later spill over to the physical plane. This is why, in the last few years, the hierarchy has been "stretching" the emotional plane, trying to make it broader, so that humanity is less overburdened. The last two years have also seen the emergence of many new types of emotion that have yet to be named - it is important to take stock of these and to recognise that they are emotions that apply to everyone.

The mental superiority of non-humans would be mitigated by mental fluidity (and emotional flow), making it a prime target for non-human intruders. Changing the nature of water is a major goal of the dark forces. Altering the characteristics of water disrupts the conduction of impulses, the nervous system and the brain. Contaminated and poorly structured water in the body blocks the unlocking of human potential, can cause foggy brain syndrome, essentially involuntarily imprisoning people - as they virtually lose their sanity.

This is why the physical and energetic pollution of water, the alteration of its properties, even in very small ways, is a very suitable strategic target. The vast majority of our physical body is water (about 70-80%, decreasing with age), so the manipulation of water with malicious intent has a very powerful and direct effect on everyone. To counteract these designs and intentions, they ask that as many of us as possible do meditations on water and fluidity, focusing on pure, well-structured water (Emoto's interpretation).

Enjoy the journey!
